Monday, 18 September 2017

RESEARCH AND PLANNING: CD Cover Analysis - Print Research

The cover album for Illuminate is a deep green colour. At the top of the album is the artist’s name with the album’s name. It is written in a blocked font, so it is easy for a potential customer to read. The image is of Shawn Mendes with a guitar. He is positioned so he is in the foreground and the chair is more in the background. The colour palette is muted and processed, however it all blends in well together. Shawn Mendes is also holding a guitar, highlighting the type of music he produces. The back of the album displays all the songs, but instead of using a block type font, he uses a handwritten font. This creates a more authentic look and a personal connection for the fans. The end of the guitar is also featured on the back, which hints that most of the songs are written by him.

‘Continued Silence’ by Imagine Dragons has quite a unique album cover. A man floating in mid air depicts isolation, but also follows all of the other covers that Imagine Dragons have done. Each album has a person standing in isolation, all relating to the album title. The person floating is the main subject of the image, therefore the viewer’s eye looks at it first. In the background, the viewer can see fog in the distance as well as trees. This might indicate a feeling of loneliness and could represent the journey that Imagine Dragons have to take/have already taken. The image is very cool toned, adding to the eeriness of the image - possibly hinting at the type of music that is on the album. On the back of the album, the mysterious woodland environment is continued. The font displaying the names of the tracks really stands out, highlighting the importance of them.

The McBusted CD is quite simplistic. They didn’t have to work on the composition of where the title and artist name went as the title and artist name is the same. The band name/title is quite big and in a bold red colour, making it stand out and easily visible. It is also quite slanted, hinting that this album cover could be quite quirky. The image is quite humorous as the six of them can be seen suspiciously creeping around whilst a security camera is above them. A bold, bright colour palette is used on this album colour as it fits in with the genre of music. The reverse side to the CD also remains quite humorous as the viewer is able to see what the group is up to. They all remain quite mischievous and both the front and back of the album - portraying their attitudes as a band.

Jason Derulo’s album. ‘Everything Is 4’ has quite a literal meaning. The number four has been brought right to the front of the foreground, representing that this is his fourth album. The viewer can infer that this is a super proud achievement of his.It really stands out to a potential customer as it is bold and clear. There isn’t a lot of bright colours within this album, indicating that it could possibly be a much more serious album than before. Also, half of the image on the front and back is in black and white. It highlights that maybe his music has taken a slight change and he is leaving some of his old styled music in the past. The artist’s name is in a block font, again standing out to people. The image on the front is of the artist starring straight at the camera, giving the viewer a personal connection. On the back is another picture of the artist, almost looking down at the tracks which are written on the bottom of the CD cover. The white font of the text juxtaposes the background colour, making it easier for viewers to read.

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