Shot number 2 is the visual for 'scrubbing smooth young skin', I am planning to use a coffee scrub for this. The lyrics represent a young person almost trying to remove the shame and guilt.
Shot number 3 depicts a teenager getting ready for a party. She grabs her bottle of alcohol and her backpack before heading out the door
there is an image of the sky, I am planning to use a time lapse of the sky or a busy road with the cars speeding past as I believe it would make an interesting shot for the viewer to see and it matches up with the lyrics 'you'll see it in the morning after your kicks'. So, I could maybe shoot a time lapse of the daytime sky and then blend it in with a shot of the night time sky.
The next shot is of a clock on a rocking chair, which is a visual to match with they lyrics 'rocking good time'. This adds a bit of humour to the video as the 'time is actually rocking'. I thought that this would make an interesting concept. Again, humour is added with the next frame as it is simply a post it note with the word 'yes' on someone's head, representing the lyrics 'there's a yes, in your head'.
The next shot is of a young person dropping a bottle of alcohol, fitting in with the lyrics 'you'll lose it in the morning but ignore that'. This depicts a party sort of scene, fitting in with one of the themes. Carrying on with this aspect, the next frame is glitter, paint powder and confetti all thrown at an acrylic pane in front of the camera. I thought that this would be an interesting concept to visually see.
'Black lipstick will never be a sin' literally has the visual of black lipstick in the shape of a cross on a mirror. I felt like this had connotations of conflict between religion and partying. The character in the video will be wearing black lipstick throughout.
The video then takes a slight loop as we see a repeat of the frame of the person dropping the alcohol bottle. However, it is clearly visible that the character has now aged. It makes the audience question whether they have changed or not. This fits in with the lyrics 'we'll regret it when we're old with wrinkled up skin'.
Again, to make the lyrics literal, I decided to have a person wearing a coat walking out the door to fit in with the lyrics, 'my mummy said to always wear a coat'. Due to the shot walking out of the door, the audience will hopefully question if there is maybe some slight conflict with the teenager and the parent. To depict this further, I could film a mid shot of the teenager taking the coat of once they are out of the door. This then leads to a shot of the character shivering, portraying that she should have listened to her mum.
Then, a shot of an older version of the character is reintroduced. She is shown writing a postcard to fit in with the lyrics 'write a postcard to you at 84'. The audience could infer that she is perhaps writing to her mother, leading them to question if the conflict has now been resolved.
An interesting shot of a photo being set alight can then be seen, highlighting that the character has finally listened to her mother. To end the video, I am going to project various tattoos onto people, perhaps highlighting that words scar like permanent tattoos, portraying the conflict between the mother and daughter. Maybe the main character should have a tattoo on her wrist throughout the video, almost representing her youth.
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