Wednesday, 4 October 2017

RESEARCH AND PLANNING: Copyright - Email For Permission to use Dodie Clark's Music

Contact details for Dodie Clark. She is not signed to a record label, so I thought the best way to contact her would be directly to her email, as seen above -

Below, I have attached the written email to Dodie Clark, requesting permission for the use of her song, Party Tattoos.
Subject: Copyright Permission

Email Contents:
Dear Miss Dodie Clark,

For my current A Level Media Studies coursework, I am required to create a music video, digipak and magazine advert for a song of my choice. I am requesting to use the song ‘Party Tattoos’ by Dodie Clark for this task. The music will be used in an non profitable, educational way. Once I have completed making my music video, it shall only be displayed on a minor Youtube channel and my advanced portfolio blog for the purposes of examination. I fully understand the consequences of copyright infringement, therefore I decided to email you to request the permission of the song. I really hope you consider my request as I am truly a big fan of your music.
Thank you in advance,

Georgette Fischer

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Upon completion of my music video, Dodie Clark did an interview on the Genius Youtube Channel, where she simply explained her own interpr...