Tuesday, 31 October 2017

PRODUCTION: Creative Journey - Post Four - 31/10/17

Today, I started cutting and editing relevant clips. I came across a minor problem as I found out that my .MOV files were not supported on the school laptops for some reason. So, I began converting them into .MPEG files. However, when I logged onto the media computers, .MOV files were supported on Premiere Pro. Therefore, I am going to have to try and refrain from using the school laptops to edit on in the future as it took me a while to use Adobe Media Encoder to convert some of the clips.
I am happy with how the editing process is going so far. When the subject mimes the lyrics, it syncs perfectly with the actual music. I am currently using some of the basic skills that I learnt from my AS project, such as slicing and unlinking audio from clips for the initial edit.

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