This is the pitch for my music video 'Party Tattoos'.
I was given the task of presenting my ideas for the music video to my peers. To beign with, I showed them a small snippet of the music video, giving them a small insight of what the artist's music is like and the general vibe for the video. Based off of the small snippet I showed them, I asked them to stereotype and mould a 'typical' viewer for my music video. They guessed correctly, saying that it would most likeloy be a young female student. I then confirmed this by showing them the YouGov results - a reliable source for generating a typical audience profile. I explained that I had to use a similar artist as the artist I am doing ym music video for, Dodie Clark, is not on there.
After this, I gave them the chance to look through the first verse of the lyrics. I then explained my initial ideas for each part of the lyrics. I said that I wanted the visuals to be quite symplistic to fit in with the general vibe of the song. I highlighted that the video will most likely consist of artistic shots, including time lapses, stop motion and photo montages. It was important that the party scene was highlighted. Also, I thought that the video would need some sort of narrative to move the shots along.
Also, I wanted there to be flashforwards/flashbacks of the girl in the video as an adult, looking back on her youth and debating regret of not spending more time with her family. I described in my pitch that I will be holding up an acrylic pain in front of the camera and throwing powdered paint, glitter and confetti at it to follow the party theme. At the end of the video, I want to project tattoos onto different teenages of different race/gender/etc. This could show that these could be the underlying problems of any teenager. I inferred from the lyrics that the 'tattoo' is almost like a stamp of regret from the person's youth.
In the pitch, I explained my reasons why I chose to make a music video for Party Tattoos. One of the main reasons is because it currently does not have a proper music video. The music video for it currently is just the singer singing to the camera. Therefore, I though that it would be interesting to explore how the lyrics could be displayed through a visual narrative. I also thought that there was quite a lot of themes to cover, such as relationship issues and growing up within the modern day.
I designed a clear moodboard for my pitch. I showed the audience that I wanted the colours within the music video to primarily be pastel colours as I feel like this would represent the artist well. Due to the video being filmed around Winter, I wanted it to have quite a cosy and warm feel to it. So, I will be including bokeh imagery.
I presented some basic types of shots that I am planning to use as well. I am planning to use extreme close ups of facial features such as they eyes and mouth. This will espcially becomje significant when the lyric 'black lipstick will never be a sin' is said. I will also be using a stop motion of the clock's hands at the start of the video.
The pitch was my first chance to gain audience feedback. I primarily ganed this feedback through a questionnaire that I deisgned and handed out to my peers. This helped me to develop my ideas even further. It helped me to sort out which direction I wanted my music video to go. One of the suggestions I had was to use people with actual tattoos to help depict more of a storyline. I will thoroughly consider using this idea. More feedback can be seen on the questionnaire audience feedback blogpost.
The pitch includes:
- The potential target audience
- Why I chose the song
- What our cinematography plans are for the lyrics
- A questionnaire
- A mini mood board for the video